To affection or not to affection?

Like everyone my life has had many twists and turns, most of them unplanned and unexpected.

We all deal with those things in our own way, I chose to have a tough exterior and turn off most of my emotions.

I’ve had little need for affection, in fact affection made me uncomfortable. I’ve actually been told I’m more like a man in that way, no offense to men lol. In fact it’s usually been men who have said that to me!

But over the last few years I’ve found myself thinking a lot about affection. Sometimes I watch couples with a comfortable easy affection and I find myself wishing for a few moments that I had that.

I don’t know how much of those musings come from getting older, and how much comes from missing a full time D/s relationship.

For me a full time D/s relationship would have many facets, and one of them would be moments of affection….at the proper time of course😁 .

So what are your thought about affection? Do you need it in your life? Is it for everyone? Can we exist without it?

I’ve always managed to have enough going on in my life that I didn’t feel I needed affection….until recently. Are my years of denial coming back to roost?

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